Martie Moore MAOM, RN, CPHQ
ContinuumXR Consortium

Martie is an award-winning nurse executive with nearly thirty years of experience leading teams and organizations through transformation as a health system Chief Nursing Officer, Nurse Educator, SVP of Quality, Magnet Chief Nursing Officer, and Corporate Chief Nursing Officer. Most recently at Medline Industries Martie led a human-centered design initiative in product development to advance quality and patient safety with health system customers. Prior to joining Medline she served as Chief Nursing Officer at Providence Health and Services where she led the organization through a third and fourth magnet designation with the American Nurses Credential Center (ANCC). Martie is widely recognized by the industry and her colleagues as an innovator in clinical care and education. In addition to holding numerous patents and trademarks, Martie received an honorary doctorate degree, recognition by the American Nurses Association for a lifetime of leadership and dedication to patient care and the nursing profession, and she is a recipient of the Daisy Foundation Extraordinary Nurse Award.