Matt Love Cinematographer/Project Manager
Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab
Scripps College of Communications
Ohio University

Matt Love

Matt Love, MFA is a Cinematographer/Project Manager at the Game Research and Immersive Design (GRID) Lab in Scripps College of Communications at Ohio University. He completed his Bachelors in Entrepreneurial Business Management at Western Michigan University and his Masters in Film at Ohio University.

Matt successfully launched and ran two small business before moving to the Dominican Republic where he served as a Country Coordinator for ChildHope, a non-profit education program partnered with sixteen schools in that country. Matt continues to serve on ChildHope’s Executive Leadership Team and oversees the program across the Caribbean and Mexico.

In his current capacity as a Cinematographer/Project Manager, Matt applies his technical and cross-cultural skills in the development of new methods of teaching and training that leverage emerging communication technologies. He is focused on pushing the boundaries of what is possible with current camera, headset and gaming technologies to enhance immersion and create incredibly compelling and engaging content.


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